Name | Brett Rockwell | | |
Phone | (330) 969-9233 |
Service Area | Based in Akron, OH serving clients nationwide. |
Languages | English. |
A little about me
Brett Rockwell is a Kinum Business Development Partner based in Akron, OH. With 9 years of experience in the Collections industry as both representative and manager, Brett continues to grow his loyal client base with personal service and a consultative approach. His goal is to not just understand each client’s needs, but to also insure his clients do as well.
“The best client is an informed client. One who understands and knows how to use Kinum’s services most effectively to aid their business.”
When not working with existing clients or developing relationships with a new one, Brett can be found spending time with his wife Vicki and their 10 year old son Mason. As a longtime guitar player, he also plays in a local Blues band as well as serving in the worship band at church.
Brett can be contacted by phone at 330-969-9233 or email at